Whose Money Is It?

I’ve completed the first of what I hope to be several financial money management books; Whose Money Is It? In this book, what I tried to accomplish was identify some of the reasons we have trouble with managing money. Instead of focusing on the obvious: the economy, job loss, unexpected expenses etc, I turned my attention inward. To the individual, and the causes of our misstep in finances. Isn’t it funny how we have money to do the things we want to do, but when it comes to tithing or paying bills, we’re broke. No money to be found. I see men and women wearing designer items, but are deep in debt, and have nothing left over for God. The thing is, God doesn’t want our left overs. He wants our first, our hearts, our minds, our focus. God wants all of us, period. But, we have other ideas, don’t we?
In my book, I explore the areas of our heart, our focus, our idols, yes we do have idols. The car, or house, or job, or positions. Biblically speaking, anything that take our attention, or focus off God, can be considered an idol. I also talk about greed, and treasures. I hope to engage thoughts about how we view our finances. Exactly how do we really feel about our stuff?